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I’m Baaack My Little Internet Lovelies!!!

29 Aug

I have been as sick as a person could be for the past week and a half…but let’s not focus on that – let’s focus on this amaza-cute video I found on StumbleUpon!  Right now there are only 264 views of this so so cute & smartly done video… I can’t imagine why, EVERYBODY should watch it.  I will be bookmarking this little piece of heaven and make sure to pull it up on rainy days or snowy days or blah days or even windy days 😉

Oh, and by the way, this video is set in Namibia.  You may remember Namibia as the place where Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt was born, but I always think of envelopes that I have.

Namibia First Day Cover in bright pink, also in blue and chartreuse!

I have a beautiful book of United Nations First Day Covers that I had gotten a long time ago when I worked for the Federal Reserve Bank.  The artwork is very impressive on mine, created in the mid-1970’s (like me) I would expect nothing less!

In conclusion, my lovelies, please make today a great day… or else I will find you and make it great for you!!! ❤ j

West Side Market 100th Anniversary!

14 Aug

Okay, in case you didn’t know, the West Side Market is celebrating it’s Centennial this year!

Having lived in Ohio City and Tremont for the better part of two decades, the Market was just a fact of life – yummy food, not so yummy parking!  I even remember trying to avoid the traffic by rollerblading while I shopped!  One day I even met the lead singer of Civ’s dad…ahhh, minor local rock celebrity parents!  I have so many fond memories of the Market, I am sure that you do too… Tickets to this rock-star-celebrity-chef event are $250, will you be going?  Since I am planning my wedding and in cram-get-it-done mode, I don’t know if we can make it.  Here are a list of the rock-star-celebrity-chefs that will be there :

April Bloomfield, New York City
Andrew Carmellini, New York City
Britt-Marie Culey, Cleveland
Karen DeMasco, New York City
Chris Hodgson, Cleveland
Paul Kahan, Chicago
Jeff Michaud, Philadelphia
Jonathon Sawyer, Cleveland
Michael Symon, Cleveland
Marc Vetri, Philadelphia
Eric Williams, Cleveland
Paul Minnillo, Cleveland
Rocco Whalen, Cleveland
Andrew Zimmern, New York

Thank God valet parking is included…otherwise you may need your rollerblades!

Have a great day! ❤ j


Yayoi Kusama

10 Aug

Yayoi Kusama.

We have to just start with the video….watch it now.  I’ll wait…. Okay, by now you have already Googled her and saw the cra-mazing work she has done!  I didn’t know about her until I saw the Louis Vuitton collaboration with her.

Courtesy MOMA

Courtesy HufPo

Fashionably scented.

7 Aug

Stefan came home yesterday after a long trip to Quebec!  And he brought French-Canadian gifts as well, YAY!  Somehow, without knowing, he bought a version of a fave perfume – Forbidden Euphoria!  I love Euphoria and this is just as big of a hit 🙂

Inspired by Stefan and his gift-giving-traveling ways, I am including a fun video from LV highlighting a few London must see places.  The English Gentleman’s City Guide is kinda brilliant no matter what side of the pond you are on!

PS – I found this video through!  Moe has a great blog and great style, thank you!!!